The birth
She stood there feeling helpless as a calf suffered to death. That’s the incident which pushed Raji Venkataraman to start paying attention to the flaws in the Indian veterinary ecosystem, and eventually give birth to Digi Vet Care - a startup to bolster healthcare for cattle all over India through data and digital advancements.
First steps
Their zeal, however, was met with indifference in the business world. Raji and her team walked in and out of office rooms, meeting investors and taking part in conferences, but their brand's communication, primarily on their website, wasn't making a lasting impression anywhere. That’s what brought her to Tellable. She wanted that moment every startup dreams of.
We started to assess their communication assets, and that’s when we started noticing fundamental issues. Their website was outdated and broken, and the communication was bland.

The product they were building - an Aadhaar card for cows, if you will - was remarkably original, but its ingenuity wasn't anywhere to be found. The business world isn’t blindly cruel, but it takes more than purpose to emerge victorious. It takes creative communication.
Learning to speak
Their website demanded our efforts immediately. We began by throwing light on their problem statement. We sensitively communicated the negative impacts of lack of health data on animal and eventually human lives, and the solution Digi Vet Care offers. We started with the problem as opposed to the convention of marketing the solution as being immersed in the startup ecosystem, we knew what investors typically look for.
Parallelly, our designer had started to come up with designs. He wanted the humblest of all animals – cows – to be the face of their website. The patterns on their skin, their friendliness, and the fact that they're deep listeners were all of fascination to him, and inspired the motif that we finally came up with. Our aim was to keep the web design rooted and realistic without boring people away.
Once the design on Figma was finalised, it was time for the developer to step in and take the website over the line. With SEO in mind, the various elements were brought together on Wordpress, and Digi Vet Care were liking what was happening for them. It’s not common for a client to express their gratitude for learning from a vendor, but it happened with Digi Vet Care.

Making an impression on this world
They not only liked what we did for them every step of the way, they felt cared for, something that’s at the heart of what they want to do to India's cattle population. Even before the project officially came to a close, even though they had not yet seen what their new website brings their way, they started talks about Tellable taking care of their social media. Today, we’re continuing to support Digi Vet Care as they take productive strides in their noble ambitions.
Want a website that tells your story powerfully?